My mission is to empower you to make the changes you want.
Lena is a certified Pilates and Yoga teacher
And has over 30 years of coaching and teaching experience. She started teaching and coaching swimming after university graduation in Lithuania advancing her pupils to the top level.
In Ireland, she continued teaching and coaching swimming and added Pilates instructor and yoga teacher training to her qualifications. Since then she’s been successfully teaching group and private Pilates classes as well as working with many corporate organisations.
Former National swimming champion and a Lithuanian record holder she has been using Pilates and yoga as a part of her fitness regime for many years. Lena still competes as a Master and some of her recent achievements include a silver medal in European Masters Swimming Championship and 5 gold medals in European Masters Games.
She believes that practicing Pilates regularly can improve confidence and body image, develop stability and strength, release stress and get a better posture. Posture reflects thoughts, thoughts become the physical being. If the posture and thought process are connected, then, in a sense, your thoughts are constantly sculpting your posture, changing your alignment. It is your body and if you do not pay attention to it, who will?
Lena provides a safe and positive space for clients and guides them towards their goals carefully monitoring their improvements and success.
Why is Pilates so popular?
Celebrities often credit Pilates as the reason for their toned bodies and long, lean muscles. A lot of the time it’s been advertised as strengthening the core muscles and helping with a back pain. Anyone at any age can do it. It’s safe, effective and accessible.

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